推 APSACO : 反正也不是第一次了啦 還記得那個X光片 XD06/23 23:58
Andy Murray has not withdrawn from Wimbledon as it stands. He underwent minor su
rgery on his back on Saturday and is now weighing up his recovery. The All Engla
nd Club has left open a doubles wild card for Andy and his brother Jamie in the
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 06/24/2024 00:02:40
推 chronor : Murray又被退....出 怎麼媒體那麼急著幫他退 06/24 08:18
推 JustWinslow : 被退休 被退賽.. 06/24 09:31
推 ironboy1996 : 真的慘 要被宣布幾次 06/24 11:30
推 sky79717 : 又 06/24 12:15
推 Kroner : 關節痛就老人病 06/24 12:15→ CGary : 四爺一直都是假新聞的受害者XD 06/24 23:28
→ eippuy : XD 06/25 01:37