看板 WOW
https://tinyurl.com/2bqcctqk 歐服論壇有人問鴨鴨玩具配色的問題,暴雪也有回覆 Hi there Zukau, This is not a bug and the intention is that other colour variations are collected in future events. So if you think this should be changed it would be through feedback/suggestions, rather than a bug report. 也就是之後會有其他活動事件可以收集鴨鴨的配色...所以應該是不用等到明年啦... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1712074035.A.599.html
cat05joy: 帳綁就可以的東西 == 04/03 00:20
kkes024lily: 只要改分身有了其他配色一併解鎖不就好 像飛龍外觀 04/03 00:25
AirFang: 飛龍外觀有學沒學,傻傻分不清~ 04/03 08:09
ofnfline: 「future events」我看窩頭很多留言都覺得這是明年的貴 04/05 01:28
ofnfline: 族花園的意思,也就是六次貴族花園才能湊齊 04/05 01:28
Kroner: 有人用過中醫針灸治療關節痛的嗎?效果如何? 04/05 01:28
jiaxie: 跟comming soon有的比 04/06 16:06