看板 WOW
https://tinyurl.com/2y6f8rkn On Wednesday, August 28, we’re going to deploy a hotfix that we want to precede with some advance notice. Along with all of the new Hero Talents and updates to classes and specializations in The War Within, the power values of some Dragonflight tier set bonuses have remained relevant in level 80 end-game content. We don’t want anyone to feel obligated to go do the previous expansion’s content for upgrades. We do want players to graduate out of their Dragonflight gear with the new content. On Wednesday, we will disable all Dragonflight tier set bonuses when your character reaches level 80. They will still aid you throughout leveling, but will cease to function when your character hits level 80. Thank you! 如題,美服(?)周三的時候,80等角色的DF套裝效果將失效 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1724739559.A.107.html
orion1991830: 正常吧 之前不是有人評估 s4應該可以扛低層m 08/27 15:12
SPAEK: 沒廢掉的話 滿裝等的套裝 可以打低層沒錯 特效強太多 08/27 15:34
wmud: 我模擬要把裝等提到600以上才會比套裝強.. 08/27 15:57
kikikinds: 還能升級不錯了 我記得10版前夕9版套裝就全黑了 08/27 16:03
sarevork: s4大多都是投票出來的強特效 想想也很正常 光是穿著練 08/27 16:23
Chricey: UC2神招啊,吃下去就對了 08/27 16:23
sarevork: 等就覺得輕鬆超多 08/27 16:23
tim111444: 不意外 橘斧大概也不久人世了 08/27 16:30
kenwillians: 增強的狼、始源減CD跟英雄天賦互相連動就超級強 08/27 16:45
mealoop: 橘斧那個很快就不行了吧 EA有個WQ給567武器欸 08/27 17:15
Kroner: 最近天氣變化大,關節痛好像更嚴重了。 08/27 17:15
cat05joy: 武器 打稀有就一堆57X了 可以換了 08/27 17:16
OrcDaGG: 以前沒取消的時候 3.1貓D穿兩件T6 打起來嚇嚇叫 08/27 17:17
mealoop: 2版貓D還在穿無印40等狼頭勒 08/27 17:19
redbeanbread: 能用到八十佛心了 08/27 17:20
Kroner: 求推薦UC2,樓下請提供三家 08/27 17:20
tim111444: 問題是坦克用阿 你看一下上板御主棒被砍成什麼樣子 08/27 21:58